Gospel World: Command your Children and Household.

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Command your Children and Household. Genesis 18.19.

Daily In His Presence (DIP) with Word for World Ministries.
Saturday 24th June, 2023.

Genesis 18:19
For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.

The nation is built on the home and the future is own by the children. Loosing a house or car is nothing compared to losing a home. Once your household cannot get it right, then the stronghold cannot allow you live right. One of the way to hold firm a household is command. God was sure Abraham was goin to command his household and children after him and thank God for the trust and that Abraham succeefully did it. We owe God the responsibility to command our children and household after Him.

Command is power of control, direction or disposal. It is an act of authority and order. This is a function of power both in words and in resources. A father should have a strong voice and hands to put his family under control on behalf of God. Not oppressing the family members but given them direction, order, control and enforcing principles with authority and in understanding. We can’t afford to fail. We must do the needful for God to trust us enough with more good things. When daddy is not available for any reason, mummy takes over and the order continues. Take your place and command your household.

Today’s Quote: Ability and Authority lies in Capacity.

Prayer Point: Oh God, I shall not fail in the management of my household in Jesus name.

Conclusion: The home is the most important place to be made healthy. Your household should be under your hold. Grace to you in Jesus name.



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