Ramadan School Closure: I See Nothing Wrong in Government Decision – NAPPS Chairman
TEC News!
The Bauchi State Chairman of the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS) has said that he sees nothing wrong in the decision taken by the State Government over the closure of Schools for 5 weeks in the State over the observance of Ramadan.
The State Chairman, Musa Ibrahim Hardo in a phone conversation with TEC News correspondent said this on Monday as he explained the entire saga.
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“First of all, there is no closure of Schools in Bauchi State. It is all about the academic calendar developed by a committee set up by the state government to avoid the error committed last year when schools were closed outside the academic calendar but now , a committee generated a School Calendar that considered 5 weeks closure of Schools in this period”.
When asked what would be the plight of the Christian learners who would be forced to be at home for 5 weeks, he said it is not a new thing as they go on even 6 weeks holiday during long break and in his days, they use to go for 8weeks.
” You see, I want to advise that religion should not be brought into this matter at all. It has nothing to do with religion just like someone raised a point that what of the Christmas and New year time that schools are closed for 2 weeks and more. What if Muslim students also refuse to comply but no, it has nothing to do with religion and a pure academic matter” says the State Chairman.
In the case of threats issued to non-complying schools, Musa Ibrahim Hardo further said that Government gives approval for school establishment and form on set, Private Schools aggreed that all Government policies would be complied and every school would have to comply.
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“The Calendar was not just developed by the committee but submitted the document to the honorable Commissioner who told the committee that it has to be forwarded to the governor for approval and the Governor approved before implementation. I actually see nothing wrong in the decision of the government for approving the calendar which is now announced for compliace”. Ibrahim Hardo said.