Prophet Odumeje: “I’ve finished my earthly ministry, and I’ll pass away soon.”

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Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere, also known as Prophet Odumeje, was the founder of the Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention and Deliverance Ministry. He is quoted as saying that he has finished his work here on earth and will soon pass away.

This was stated by the well-known pastor from Anambra during the service in the church, during which he also informed his congregation that it was time for him to leave.

Odumeje, also known as Indaboski, shared with his eldest son David the news that he is approaching the end of his time on earth in a conversation that they both affectionately referred to as “heart-to-heart.”

He gave the young man the advice to get ready for his role as the man of the house, who will be responsible for the care of his mother, siblings, and father when Odumeje is no longer around.
The cleric explained that the reason he was sent to this world has been accomplished, and that was the reason he came to this world.

“I have spoken with my youngest son, King David, and I told him that your father and I will be leaving in a very short amount of time. You are responsible for the well-being of your mother and your brothers.

“There was a reason I was brought into this world, and that reason has now been accomplished. “I have completed my work here on earth, and I will be leaving in the very near future,” he said.

Odumeje, who is 40 years old, has become a viral sensation as a result of his peculiar pattern of conducting deliverance. In this pattern, he carries members seeking miracles in a manner similar to that of the WWE wrestlers, and then he smashes them on the ground.

He has engaged in a number of conflicts and challenged a great deal of indigenous physicians to open competitions on their capacity to perform miracles. A recent statement made by the man of God indicated that he engaged in combat with Satan in the underworld and emerged victorious with a championship belt.


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